These are the steps on how to transfer FSMO (Fixed Single Master Operation). For example, we will transfer from SERVER1 TO SERVER2.
1. In SERVER1, open Start- Run then type cmd.
2. In the command prompt, type "ntdsutil".
3. Type "roles" and then press Enter.
ntdsutil: roles
fsmo maintenance:
4. fsmo maintenance: connections
server connections:
5. server connections: connect to server SERVER2
Binding to localhost …
Connected to SERVER2 using credentials of locally logged on user.
server connections:
6. server connections: q
fsmo maintenance:
7. Type transfer "role", where "role" is the role you want to transfer. ex. transfer PDC
Other options are:
Seize domain naming master
Seize infrastructure master
Seize PDC
Seize RID master
Seize schema master
*You will receive a warning windows asking if you want to perform the transfer. Click on YES.
*After you transfer the roles, type q and press ENTER until you quit Ntdsutil.exe.
*To check whether the roles are already transferred, go to command prompt again and type netdom query fsmo.
*Restart the server and make sure you update your backup.
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