Friday, February 6, 2009

Force transfer FSMO Roles to another DC

These are the steps on how to transfer FSMO (Fixed Single Master Operation). For example, we will transfer from SERVER1 TO SERVER2.
1. In SERVER1, open Start- Run then type cmd.
2. In the command prompt, type "ntdsutil".
3. Type "roles" and then press Enter. 
ntdsutil: roles
fsmo maintenance:
4. fsmo maintenance: connections
server connections:
5. server connections: connect to server SERVER2
Binding to localhost …
Connected to SERVER2 using credentials of locally logged on user.
server connections:
6. server connections: q
fsmo maintenance:
7. Type transfer "role", where "role" is the role you want to transfer. ex. transfer PDC
Other options are:
Seize domain naming master
Seize infrastructure master
Seize PDC
Seize RID master
Seize schema master
*You will receive a warning windows asking if you want to perform the transfer. Click on YES.
*After you transfer the roles, type q and press ENTER until you quit Ntdsutil.exe.

*To check whether the roles are already transferred, go to command prompt again and type netdom query fsmo.  

*Restart the server and make sure you update your backup.


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